Covered Chimney


Hiroshi IwaharaHiroshi Iwahara
Web shop
ITEM RF-16-2
(box body)
(storage part)
Material walnut, maple, zebra wood, wendge, etc.
This is a reproduced version of the item developed over 15 years ago, "Covered Chimney" (RF-16).
If you have the original copy, we are glad you have been enjoying Karakuri for such a long time.
It was a popular item at exhibitions because it’s easy to manipulate and has a surprise outcome.
Since then, as the years went by, there was no time to make it again.
In the new version, I changed the pattern and the method of making it.
The pattern looks simpler but perhaps that will be the hint to enjoying it more.
As you can see from the appearance, Christmas Present 2021 was created from this item.

The other works of Hiroshi Iwahara