Karakuri Box Idea Contest Newest Winner

Karakuri Box Idea Contest the 16th/ Announcement of the award!

Astonishment grand prix  ”ON!”

Original idea by Yasunari Makino
Hand-crafted by Osamu Kasho(Karakuri Creation Group)

This is a Karakuri switch box.
You must want to turn it ON even if you don’t know what will happen, don’t you?
Even if you try to move the lever, it just moves slightly.
Can you turn it ON and open the drawer?
It isn’t too difficult to solve it but you will notice a kind of joke when you solve it…

◆Waku Waku grand prix  ”Seesaw Box”

Original idea by Takeshi Iijima
Hand-crafted by Yoh Kakuda (Karakuri Creation Group)
Little bears are playing on a seesaw.
They are brothers and they were born at the same date and grew up the same way.
Their weigh are also same.
The tilt of the seesaw is a hint to open the drawer.

Unique grand prix  ”SPeace comes from shaking hands”

Original idea by Shingo Terui
Hand-crafted by Shou Sugimoto(Karakuri Creation Group)

The size of the hand is as same as real one and it has some tricks.
By shaking hands with it, you may find the solution for both opening the box and making the world more peaceful…

Watch the other annual winners   Click here